Neema Sponsorship programme.
Thank you for looking at our website. The sponsorship programme is a new venture for us and will help the children and teachers of " The Neema School for the Needy " by giving regular income. This will provide the children with free uniform, books and stationery and a meal a day.
Now the school is open we need on going funds to pay the teachers, caretaker, electricity and the maintenance of the school buildings and toilets.
By sponsoring a child you will be helping them and the upkeep of the school, giving the children a good start in their education to help them gain employment in the future.
Education is the most important thing we can give a child. The poorest of children are eager for education as they know it is their only hope to escape the poverty they have been born into.
Please give a monthly amount to the Trust -- every penny will go to the children-- so we can continue our work with the school.
£3.00 per month will provide a child with a meal a day.
£5.00 per month will provide a child with a meal a day and stationery.
£10.00 per month will provide a child with a meal a day ,stationery and uniform and help towards the teachers pay.
Please give a little each month to help us to help them. They really deserve better than they have.
Bankers order form
To the Manager:---- Name of your Bank
Address of Bank Postcode
Account name Account number
Sort code
Date of first payment.
I hereby authorize you to pay the sum of £ per month to the
Neema School Kenya Trust
Bank :------ Barclays Bank PLC Stamford Street Ashton Under Lyne
Account number 00691461 Sort Code 20-02-77
I hereby agree that the charity can claim gift aid on this amount. ( delete if a non tax payer.)
Signed Date
Post code
To qualify for gift aid, what you pay in income tax and/or capital gains tax must at least equal the amount the charity will reclaim on your donation for that tax year.
Please return form to the secretary :--- Mrs Margaret Trimby
9, Pear Tree Close Hadfield Glossop SK13 2HA
The Bankers order form will be sent on to your bank.